The article "The Woman who dies in the waiting room" by Jeneen Interlandi, in the Newsweek on July 12, 2008. Talks about how a lady died because publix hospitals across the country have problems providing psychiatric care to the poor and uninsured people since the early 1960s.
In one of the rooms from Brooklyn largest psyciaatric hospitals a womand names Esmin Green fell out of her chair in the waiting room and for like almost an hour nobody notice what happened to her, for twenty minutes this lady try to help herself out.
People that work there pass by the room and they did not have the chance to stop and see what was going on and ti heck her wital signs.After fourty minutes a nurse walked in and kind of kick her by mistale but, by thta time the old lady has pass away.
I agree with the idea that there is a lot of poor, uninsured and undoumented people that an not get any treatment what so ever. Most of these people suffer from diseasses that have no cure, and they can not get the right treatment becuase they do not have enough money to pay.
I had a friend whose mother was undoumented and had aner and ould not get the right treatment. She try to go toevery hospital possible but they would not help her because she would not help her beause she was undocumented and did not have enough money to pay.
As a causse of this my friend's mother pass awasy because the cancer had developed more and was untreable she could not get that privalage.
In conclusion, to this article I think the goverment should do something about it ans try to fix this case, becasue it is unfair for the poor, uninsured and undocumented people not to get treated like any other citizen in this counry.
blog #16 CATW 3
13 years ago
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